owners have many reasons for owning their property. This may include things
like improving timber production, creating wildlife habitat, protecting water
quality, enhancing recreational opportunities, and many others. If your reasons
include creating healthy woods and improving deer habitat, a thinning may be
the right forest management practice for your woods.
This stand
would benefit from a thinning. The trees are
overcrowded and there is little
growth in the
understory besides fern.
thinnings are conducted in overcrowded stands when they are still relatively
young, from 15 to 50 years of age however, thinning can benefit older woods. By
design, thinning reduces competition among neighboring trees. Foresters thin
trees to improve growth rates and overall tree vigor. Wildlife biologists thin
trees to improve wildlife habitat by increasing understory growth and mast
(acorns and nuts) production.
frees desirable trees from neighboring trees competing for growing space. Trees
need room to grow and expand their crowns. If they are too close, they compete
for resources, primarily light. The focus is on improving growing conditions
for selected crop trees by removing competing poor quality and less desirable
species. The trees left are evenly spaced, released, and encouraged to grow.
Trees compete
for light. To grow, they need room
to expand their crowns.
Most stands
of trees originally have thousands of seedlings and sprouts per acre. As they
grow, competition for light, water, and nutrients increases. The most vigorous
trees become the dominant and co-dominant trees in the stand - their crowns are
above or make up the main canopy level. The less vigorous trees are crowded by
their neighbors; their crowns become misshapen and restricted. These trees
become the intermediate and suppressed trees in the canopy - their crowns are below
the main level of the canopy, receiving little light from above. Of the
thousands of seedlings beginning life in a forest, less than 100 per acre may
survive and thrive to become a mature forest.
thinning provides the opportunity to select and encourage the dominant and
co-dominant trees you want, those that meet your objectives. These trees can
provide for future timber production, wildlife habitat or myriad other values. For
example, thinning around an oak tree will improve its growth rate and vigor and
may very well increase the amount of acorns it produces.
selected to leave are marked with flagging
or paint prior to any cutting
deer habitat is an added wildlife benefit of thinning. Deer are browsers, tree
and shrub twigs, buds, and leaves make up a primary component of their diet. A
deer’s system can easily digest woody browse. They will feed on it year round. Browse
is the most important source of deer nutrition in forested environments. During
winter and early spring it is a vital source of nutrition as most other food
sources are unavailable.
trees in winter puts tops on the ground that deer can browse during lean times.
Once the tree hits the ground, deer have access to the tender buds and twigs on
the top of the tree, which are generally nipped off within weeks. Thinning
overcrowded trees also increases the amount of sunlight reaching the forest
floor. The increased sunlight provides ideal conditions for new seedlings and herbaceous
plants to get started, providing food and cover for deer as well as other
Winter and
early spring thinning provides deer
browse during a critical time of year.
In addition,
hardwood tree stumps often re-sprout after cutting. Stump sprouts provide additional
woody browse for deer. Sprouts may remain within the reach of deer for years, providing
a valuable food source. Some deer habitat managers recommend hinge cutting trees
during thinning operations. Hinge cut trees are cut half-way through allowing
the tree to fall to the ground. The “hinge” keeps the tree alive to continue producing
leaves and vertical shoots.
Red maple
stump sprouts provide deer
with a source of woody browse.
This hinge
cut ash is producing stump sprouts
and sprouts along the stem as browse.
operations can be either commercial or non-commercial, depending on the
products being removed and available markets. Often thinning provides no immediate
return beyond improved wildlife habitat. In small diameter stands, where there
are few markets for pulpwood and/or firewood, landowners may do the work
themselves or pay a contractor to cut trees. A commercial thinning provides an
income opportunity as the landowner sells the trees being removed. Commercial
thinning generally occurs later in stand development when trees removed have
reached small sawlog size or is in an area where good markets for pulpwood exist.
In a
thinning, the most important decision is selecting which trees to keep for the
future. Focus on the value of the future forest and leave trees that meet your ownership
objectives. No matter what you manage for, leaving trees with the highest
potential future value is important. Remember, in many cases trees that are
good for wildlife are also good timber trees.
young hardwood stand was thinned pre-commercially. |
professional forester or wildlife biologist is an important ally when designing
a thinning treatment. Some landowners choose to work directly with a logging
contractor who buys timber; however, these individuals may not have the
training and experience to implement a proper thinning. If you choose to do
most of the planning on your own, it is advisable to use a forester to conduct
any timber sale, including a thinning, as they have knowledge of markets and
buyers and can ensure the practice improves the overall well-being of your
This stand of
yellow poplar could be thinned commercially.
regeneration harvests, thinning does not result in large canopy openings. The
gaps created between crop trees are small enough that remaining crowns expand
and close back together over time. Therefore, it is important to have the
proper spacing among crop trees. If the openings are too large, tree
replacement from regeneration (seedlings and sprouts) will be necessary. In
addition, the light reaching the forest floor might initiate competitive
plants or encourage invasive species establishment including invasive exotic
trees, shrubs, vines, and grasses. It is important to monitor any harvested area
for undesirable vegetation and control it before it gets out of hand.
Thinned the
previous growing season, this white pine stand
shows a flush of new herbaceous
growth and stump sprouts.
| | |
many areas deer populations exceed the habitat carrying capacity and
over-browsing is common. If sprout growth is browsed completely to the stump consider
reducing deer numbers. Implementing additional management practices that
improve habitat is also desirable.
Sprouts heavily
browsed down to the stump, like this black gum,
may be an indicator of too many
deer for the available habitat.
A well
designed thinning should put your wooded land well on its way to meeting your
objectives of improved forest health and wildlife habitat. A successful
thinning involves planning, implementation, and monitoring. The end result is
more valuable timber, a vigorous, healthy forest, and improved habitat for wildlife.
For additional information on thinning see:
By David R. Jackson
Penn State Extension