A series of five lesson plans teaching youth about white-tailed deer and their impacts on the forest ecosystem are now available on-line through Penn State Cooperative Extension. Dave Jackson, Forestry Extension Educator with Penn State Cooperative Extension, Centre County, prepared the lesson plans. Dave feels it is imperative that our youth and educators have a better understanding of the issues surrounding our state mammals' abundance. He notes, "By studying deer and their interactions with their habitat, students and teachers will gain a better appreciation for the animal as well as the importance of population control."
The lessons can be found on Penn State's Sustainable Forestry Teacher Resource Center located on the web at: http://sftrc.cas.psu.edu/. Once at this site simply click on Deer Lesson Plans along the left hand column. Here you will find a series of five plans designed for youth grades 6-12; each one complete with descriptions, objectives, reference materials, and state standards addressed. The inquiry-based, hands-on lessons allow students to explore white-tailed deer biology and forest ecology. Jackson indicates, "The lessons focus on the impacts of deer on the forest ecosystem. Each lesson builds upon the previous, beginning with an overview of deer biology and adaptations and culminating in a final assignment assessing habitat and population."
To read the full story go to: http://paforeststewards.cas.psu.edu/News.html
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