A deer habitat workshop entitled “Deer Density and Carrying Capacity Workshop” is scheduled for Saturday, April 4, 2009 at the Western Clinton Sportsman’s Associations complex in Hyner, Clinton County, Pennsylvania. The program is scheduled for 9:00 am – 4:30 pm. Registration begins at 8:30 am. The cost is $15.00 per person and includes refreshments, lunch, and handout materials.
Penn State Cooperative Extension in partnership with the North Central Chapter of the Quality Deer Management Association are providing a workshop specifically for anyone interested in learning more about white-tailed deer biology and management as it relates to the carrying capacity of the habitat. Other cooperators include: The Western Clinton Sportsman’s Association, DCNR Bureau of Forestry, and the Pennsylvania Game Commission. This hands on, in the field workshop gets participants in the woods looking at deer habitat. Participants will assist in collecting deer population and habitat data and learn:
· To calculate the deer density in a given forest setting
· To evaluate the condition of deer habitat
· How the condition of the habitat relates deer numbers and habitat carrying capacity.
Penn State Cooperative Extension in partnership with the North Central Chapter of the Quality Deer Management Association are providing a workshop specifically for anyone interested in learning more about white-tailed deer biology and management as it relates to the carrying capacity of the habitat. Other cooperators include: The Western Clinton Sportsman’s Association, DCNR Bureau of Forestry, and the Pennsylvania Game Commission. This hands on, in the field workshop gets participants in the woods looking at deer habitat. Participants will assist in collecting deer population and habitat data and learn:
· To calculate the deer density in a given forest setting
· To evaluate the condition of deer habitat
· How the condition of the habitat relates deer numbers and habitat carrying capacity.
This is an opportunity to talk to wildlife biologists and other natural resource professionals who have experience in implementing various forest and wildlife habitat management strategies.
Pre-registration for this workshop is required prior to Monday, March 30, 2009. Space is limited so please register early. For registration or additional information contact Penn State Cooperative Extension-Centre County at 814-355-4897 or CentreExt@psu.edu.
Pre-registration for this workshop is required prior to Monday, March 30, 2009. Space is limited so please register early. For registration or additional information contact Penn State Cooperative Extension-Centre County at 814-355-4897 or CentreExt@psu.edu.
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