A special one-hour web seminar program on carbon trading will be presented by Kurt Krueger, District manager or larson & McGowin, inc. on Thursday, April 30, 2009 from Noon to 1:00 PM (eastern time). The program will discuss the basics of forest carbon offset projects, how landowners might qualify, and how carbon credits are sold on various markets.
Web Access Instructions:
On the day of the webinar, go to: http://ethreemail.com/e3ds/mail_link.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fforestrywebinar.net&i=0&d=D700F836-6D5E-4818-9A73-676560F3F51A&e=robert_bardon@ncsu.edu about 10-15 minutes prior to the start of the session (pay attention to the time zone on the announcements), click on the particular webinar link, enter your name to login (no password is needed)....follow instructions for SAF CFE credit if desired, and the webinar will then load on your computer.
On the day of the webinar, go to: http://ethreemail.com/e3ds/mail_link.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fforestrywebinar.net&i=0&d=D700F836-6D5E-4818-9A73-676560F3F51A&e=robert_bardon@ncsu.edu about 10-15 minutes prior to the start of the session (pay attention to the time zone on the announcements), click on the particular webinar link, enter your name to login (no password is needed)....follow instructions for SAF CFE credit if desired, and the webinar will then load on your computer.
If you have not yet participated in a Elluminate webinar then Please go to http://ethreemail.com/e3ds/mail_link.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.elluminate.com%2Fsupport&i=3&d=D700F836-6D5E-4818-9A73-676560F3F51A&e=robert_bardon@ncsu.edu for setting up your computer. You should do this at least 24 hours in advance of a live webinar in case you have any problems that need to be resolved. If you have any hardware or software issues you can call Elluminate Support at 1-866-388-8674, option 2.
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