Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Announcing Penn State Wildlife Webinar Series

The Pennsylvania Forests Web Seminar Center is pleased to announce a "Wildlife and the Plants They Love to Hate" short series on the first Monday of every month live at noon and again at 7 p.m. Learn how to un-invite some of your wildlife friends by planting a different menu of floral entrees while nurturing your native plants. This series begins on March 1. Each seminar will last approximately one hour.

March 1, 2010: Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner
Find out who's cohabitating in your chimney or developing an attitude in the attic or slithering through your salad greens. Check out who is dining in your den or hammering the hostas. Learn how to evict a murder of crows, a gaggle of geese or a rhumba of rattlesnakes, then you might be able to---Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.

April 5, 2010: Deer Resistant Plants
The deer are coming, the deer are coming. . . and they are staying to dine on your landscape and garden plants. Find out how to co-exist with deer by planting what they least like to eat. There is hope for your garden.

May 3, 2010: Native Plants
Be part of the Green Movement. Start by enjoying the natural beauty and learn to recreate part of it in your own landscape. Be enchanted by the showiest of the native perennials and see which of these you can identify in your area.

June 7, 2010: Rabbit Resistant Plants
Here bunny, here bunny; most of us find rabbits endearing from a very young age. However, sometimes there is just one bunny too many . . . they can easily multiply so much that sheer numbers destroy your landscape and your garden. Learn how to minimize damage from these furry critters through plant selection.

Live seminars are scheduled for the first Monday of every month at noon and 7 p.m. Each session is recorded and loaded onto the Web Seminar Center along with a copy of the presentation and any handout materials. So, if you are unable to participate in the "live" session, a recording of it will be available for you to view at your convenience. Of course, none of the interactive elements will be available when watching the recording.

To participate in the live seminars you must register and have a "Friend of Penn State" user ID. The "Register Now" page on the website will walk you through this process. If you are a member of the Penn State community, you already have your User ID, but we would ask you to register on the website so that you can receive reminders of upcoming programs.

Participation in the web seminar does not require any special software. To view live and previously recorded seminars all you need is a high-speed Internet connection and sound.

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