Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pennsylvania Forests Web Seminar Center: April Webinars

Penn State Cooperative Extension in partnership with the Penn State School of Forest Resources is offering 2 webinars the month of April through the PA Forests Web Seminar Center.
Stewardship Series: Eric Burkhart, Instructor and Plant Science Program Director, Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center, will be presenting Common Wildflowers of Pennsylvania Forestland on Tuesday, April 12th at noon and again at 7 p.m.  Each seminar lasts approximately one hour. 

During this presentation, participants will take a virtual stroll through springtime Pennsylvania forestlands to see some of the more common, showy, and/or interesting wildflowers that may be encountered during the “ephemeral” season.  Along with identification, aspects of each species’ biology, ecology, usage and conservation will be covered.  Plants that will be discussed include: bloodroot, bluebells, blue cohosh, dwarf ginseng, garlic mustard, golden ragwort, mayapple, trillium, wild geranium and many more. Approved for 1.0 CFE credit hour in Category 2. Approved for 1 credit hour SFI® CE.

White-tailed Deer Management Series: Kip Adams, Certified Wildlife Biologist and Northern Director of Education and Outreach, Quality Deer Management Association, will be presenting White-tailed Deer Breeding Biology and Communication on Tuesday, April 19th at noon and again at 7 p.m.  Each seminar lasts approximately one hour.

Following a year in the life of a whitetail buck this presentation will discuss dispersal, home range, and movement patterns; physical changes a buck experiences from 1.5 years of age to maturity; how deer communicate during the breeding season; and how hunters can use this information to improve management.

To participate in the live seminars you must register and have a "Friend of Penn State" user ID.  The "Register Now" page on the website will walk you through this process.

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