Women and Their Woods: Building a Network of Women Forest Landowners
Throughout our region, women are increasingly responsible for the care and stewardship of private forestlands; they outlive spouses, inherit forestland from parents, or just seek their own woodlot. Yet these women may often lack the confidence, knowledge, and access to resources that allow them to be successful. Anecdotally, resource professionals report few interactions with women landowners until after something adverse has happened to the land. This puts women at higher personal economic risk, which results not only in poor management of resources, but high likelihood of the sale and conversion of working land to a non-forest use such as development.
Click here to read the full story.
If you are interested in being involved with the Women and their Woods group, contact Allyson Muth at Penn State Extension (814-865-3208, abm173@psu.edu) for an application or for more information.
Attendees were selected through an application process focused on women who would be willing to attend the Retreat in order to become mentors for other women landowners across their regions. A great way to share the knowledge you will get from the seminar.