Wednesday, September 7, 2011

PA Forests Web Seminar Center - September Presentation

Penn State Extension's PA Forests Web Seminar Center will be starting up again this September with their first webinar on Teusday, September 13th.  Below is a brief description and instructions on how you can join the webinar which will be provided live at noon and again at 7:00 PM.

The Landowners Guide to Tree Planting Success
This presentation will guide you through the steps to take to make the most of your tree planting project.  The presentation will cover the steps to take to get the right trees in the right place and increase their growth and survival.  The trees you plant today can change the long-term attractiveness, wildlife value, and even the financial equity of your land.  With some pre-planning and thought your trees will serve the purpose you had intended and provide all the environmental benefits trees can.

Each session is recorded and loaded onto the Web Seminar Center along with a copy of the presentation and any handout materials.  So, if you are unable to participate in the "live" session, a recording of it will be available for you to view at your convenience.  Of course, none of the interactive elements will be available when watching the recording.

To participate in the live seminars you must register and have a "Friend of Penn State" user ID. The "Register Now" page on the website will walk you through this process.  Participation in the web seminar does not require any special software. To view live and previously recorded seminars all you need is a high-speed Internet connection and sound.

To register and take part in the live seminars or to view the upcoming seminars schedule, visit the Pennsylvania Forests Web Seminar CenterWe look forward to having you join these discussions and learning experiences. "See" you there on September 13.

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