Thursday, September 13, 2012

Urge Congress to Pass the Farm Bill

Join the American Forest Foundation's - American Tree Farm System (ATFS) in urging Congress to pass the Farm Bill.  The 2008 Farm Bill is set to expire at the end of the month.  In addition, Congress goes on recess in just 6 days!  The Bill has yet to receive a vote with the full House.  Time is of the essesnce if this Bill is going to receive a vote.  You may want to urge your US Representative to move forward with this legislation as it provides important benefits for forest owners.

I copied below a message from the American Tree Farm System's public affairs manager, Christine Cadigan.  In it you will find a link you can click to bring you to the ATFS site for Policy and Advocacy.  You can write your Representative directly from that page.

"We know how important Farm Bill conservation tools and resources are for forest owners. These programs leverage forest owner time, energy, and investment to implement forest conservation practices for the betterment of our families, our rural communities and our country--all who depend on healthy forests and wood products.

The House Agriculture Committee's bipartisan Farm Bill streamlines conservation programs, improves forest owner access to conservation tools, opens forest product markets, and strengthens programs to combat invasive species. Additionally, both the House and Senate Bills provide America with billions of dollars in savings--meaning passing a Farm Bill now is fiscally responsible and good governance.

Click here to write your members of Congress today and help us spread the word so we can reach our goal of 100 messages for every day Congress is in session. We need them to understand that passing a Farm Bill now is the right thing to do."

Christine Cadigan
Manager, Public Affairs
American Forest Foundation

Project Learning Tree® and the American Tree Farm System® are programs of the American Forest Foundation.

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