The first article I posted on April 27, 2016 entitled "Why the Forestry Profession Should Harshly Criticize High Grading" by Dan Pubanz. Dan is a consulting forester out of Wisconsin. His article first appeared in the winter issue of the National Woodlands magazine.
The second article, posted June 21, 2016, was a great follow-up written by Dr. Jim Finley, Penn State, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management. Jim's article was called "Describing Sustainable Timber Harvesting: What Do Words Mean?" In the article Jim describes sustainable timber harvests as focusing on the residual trees you leave and/or the regeneration you establish.
The third article, posted November 2016, was a news story posted by the Pittsburgh Tribune about a logging job that was taking place in the Lower Burrell. The article includes an interview with Tom McQuaide, a forestry consultant in Pennsylvania, where Tom compares a forest to a garden. He states, "you pick the mature fruit."
Now on to the most recent article, this one is a radio interview produced by West Virginia Public Broadcasting. The person being interviewed is Kelly Riddle, a procurement forester with Allegheny Wood Products. Give it a listen (6 minutes) or read the text I provided below. Let me know what you think? Was Kelly on track with his answers?
By Jean
Snedegar • Jun 28, 2017
In the next
part of our occasional series on the timber and forest products industry, we
find out how timber cruisers -- or procurement foresters -- help landowners
decide when to harvest trees in a timber stand, which trees to take and which
ones to leave behind.
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Photo: Jesse Wright
/ West Virginia Public Broadcasting
producer Jean Snedegar joined Kelly Riddle, of Allegheny Wood Products, in
early June at a privately owned forest near Kingwood, in Preston County.
“One of the
interesting things about being a forester is that not every stand or site is
the same,” he said. “You know, you walk to the other side of the hollow or the
other side of the ridge, the site conditions change, the species change, the
understory changes, and so it’s kind of a new canvas any place that you walk.”
Riddle said
deciding on which trees to take depends on several factors. “One that we look
at is, first of all if we’re dealing with a private landowner, what their goals
and objectives are. Second, we look at merchantability of the trees. What I
mean by that – is it useable for a commercial process – whether it be for saw
timber, or pulp wood or some other product? And then we look at the overall
health of the stand and the trees,” he said, looking around a stand of trees
he’d marked.
“This stand
is composed primarily of yellow popular and soft maple, with some scattered
oaks in here. I look at the size of the trees as an indication of whether
they’ve reached their biological maturity or financial maturity,” Riddle said.
once a tree reaches about 18 inches in diameter – and this depends on the site
it’s growing on and other factors – it’s probably reached its financial
maturity – meaning, if you harvested that tree, gained the revenue from that
tree, reinvested in something else, you could do better from a financial
standpoint than if you left that tree to grow. Biologically, the tree may have
50 more years that it could live and produce wood and other values. “The other
thing we’re trying to do is create optimum growing space for the residual trees
that you have.”
Age and Condition
walked up to tree in the stand. “This tree happens to be a yellow poplar – 24
inches in diameter. And given the age and condition of the stand I marked this
tree because it’s mature, it’s ready to be harvested. And there are other trees
adjacent to it – this hard maple for instance – that is one of the trees that I
want to be the next stand,” he said. “So, by taking this yellow poplar out, it
creates product for our sawmill and it also creates space for that maple to
grow and be part of the next stand.”
When to Revisit a Timber Stand
Riddle said
he typically goes back to any given stand about every five years to re-evaluate
the growth and response since the last thinning.
typically look at a 12-15 year cycle of re-entry to harvest. In these stands
that are even-aged – they were all re-generated about the same time – you can
do that three or four times depending on the stands, the site and the
characteristics of how good a site it is,” he said. “And then, towards the end
of that 80 – 100 year period, you have to look at regeneration, maybe in the
form of a ‘shelter wood’ type harvest, and get a more uneven aged management
Riddle said
a shelter wood-type harvest is a little more intensive harvest where you have
fewer trees per acre that are remaining.
“It allows
full sunlight to reach the forest floor, which most of our species here in
Appalachia need in order to regenerate. All of our poplar, cherry, all of our
oaks are shade-intolerant and they will not regenerate without that full
sunlight, so it’s a requirement to initiate the next stand,” he said.
Signature Marking
through the forest, Riddle pointed out the various types of marks he has put on
the trees. These marks tell the loggers which trees to cut – and whether they
should go to the sawmill nearby or the pulp mill in Luke, Maryland.
have their own signature way of marking. If I have a tree that’s primarily a
saw timber tree, I’ll just put a dot, whereas a lateral slash may mean that
there’s some imperfection in that tree, or that it’s a pulpwood, or a cull type
tree. A full cull tree would be an ‘X’,” he said.
‘Bad Management’
Riddle said
there are some misconceptions about what “bad” management is. “Sometimes you
have something that doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing and people might
consider that to be bad management,” he said. “As foresters, we know that
that’s not necessarily the case. There are some fairly intensive harvests where
most of the material is removed that can be very good management, though it’s
not aesthetically pleasing.”
Riddle said
as a forester now for more than 30 years, the worst thing we can do is
high-grade timber stands.
“That was a
harvest philosophy where all you took was the best and left only the low-grade,
non-commercial species – something like these soft maples that are damaged or
have issues already. And all you were taking was the ‘cream’, so to speak,” he
said. “If you do that more than one thinning cycle, then you’ve left a stand
that has trees – it might look fine – but from a commercial standpoint, it has
no value to the landowner.”
Riddle said
we have a great resource in West Virginia as a whole. “We say that we’re trying
to provide a resource for today and manage it for future generations,” he said.
This series
is made possible with support from the Myles Family Foundation.
Credit Jesse
Wright / West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Note: This story is part of an occasional series from independent producer Jean
Snedegar about the timber and forest products industry here in the Mountain
State -- from seedlings to final products.
This is excellent journalism and communicates the views of a forester who clearly knows what he is doing. While some of what he practices may seem to contradict the beliefs that others have expressed, there is agreement if we look deeply at the big picture.
ReplyDeleteOne of the expressions attributed to Yogi Berra is, “You can observe a lot just by watching.” Being 85 years old, I have watched and observed most of a timber growing cycle of 80 to 100 years described by Kelly Riddle; and have found his views to be valid for harvests not only on my property, but also on adjoining woodlands.
Recognizing that he says, “not every stand or site is the same, “ we can agree that what is most important is what you leave after a harvest. The following general rules apply:
1. If you harvest marketable trees and leave junk, you have compromised the potential of the woodland.
2. If you harvest marketable trees and leave healthy growing trees of a desirable species, you are using the potential of the woodland.
3. If you reach a point where option two is no longer possible, you cut everything and start a new 100-year cycle.
It appears that the keys to successful timber management are to be flexible, patient, cooperate with nature, and think beyond our lifetimes.
Well put Ed. Thank you for commenting.