I received this from Dr. Margaret Brittingham today. Margaret is a Professor of Wildlife Resources at Penn State University through the School of Forest Resources.
I am pleased to announce the availability of a new publication titled Farmlands and Wildlife of Pennsylvania and the Northeast: Developing a Wildlife Management Plan for Your Property. This 72-page, full-color publication emphasizes the importance of agriculture in maintaining habitat for farmland and grassland wildlife. It is also meant as a guide for landowners to provide for farmland wildlife, implement habitat management methods, and control wildlife damage. Sources of financial assistance for habitat projects, and additional educational resources are also provide for in the publication. The publication sells for $9.00 and is available for viewing and purchase at http://pubs.cas.psu.edu/PubTitle.asp?varTitle=Farmlands+and+Wildlife&Submit=Go
I hope you will find this to be a useful resource.