The PA Forests Web Seminar Center (
http://rnrext.cas.psu.edu/PAForestWeb/) is pleased to announce a special Short Summer Series for the months of July and August.
Summer Tree ID Made Easy - Wednesday, July 22nd, 7-8:30 PM, presented by Sandy Smith, Youth and Natural Resources Extension Specialist, Penn State School of Forest Resources. The identification of trees by their leaves is perhaps the easiest way to distinguish one species from another. This session will present the basic types of leaves, their characteristics, and how to use a "tree key" for identification. Old and young alike will benefit from learning this valuable skill. Before attending this webinar, each participant should download and print out the 4-H Summer Key for Pennsylvania Trees (available on the website) that will be used during the session.
An Introduction to American Ginseng Forest Farming - Wednesday, August 26th, 7-8:30 PM presented by Eric Burkhart, Instructor and Program Director, Plant Science, Shaver's Creek Environmental Center. Establishing or "farming" American ginseng on Pennsylvania forestlands is a fascinating and potentially profitable activity that can contribute to both plant and forestland conservation. In this presentation, participants will be introduced to one of Pennsylvania's most valuable crops, American ginseng. The botany, biology, ecology, markets, growing options, propagation techniques, and management issues (pests, theft, regulations) will all be covered.
Each session is recorded and loaded onto the Web Seminar Center along with a copy of the presentation and any handout materials. So, if you are unable to participate in the "live" session, a recording of it will be available for you to view at your convenience. To participate in the live seminars you must register and have a "Friend of Penn State" user ID. The "Register Now" page on the website will walk you through this process. If you are a member of the Penn State community, you already have your User ID, but we would ask you to register on the website so that you can receive reminders of upcoming programs. Participation in the web seminar does not require any special software.
To view live and previously recorded seminars all you need is a high-speed internet connection and sound. To register and take part in the live seminars or to view the upcoming seminars schedule, visit