Spotted lanternfly adults on Ailanthus |
The spotted
lanternfly is an invasive insect that was first found in Pennsylvania in 2014.
This insect
is a potential threat to several important crops including grapes, peaches and
timber trees. Many sites within the infested area have high populations of
spotted lanternflies. Every landowner who effectively uses control measures
will help to reduce the potential for this insect to spread to new territory.
As of August
22, 2016 confirmed populations of the spotted lanternfly are known to exist in
only the following Pennsylvania municipalities in the United States of America:
Berks County: Amity, Colebrookdale,
Douglass, District, Douglass, Earl, Hereford, Longswamp, Oley, Maxatawny, Pike,
Rockland and Washington townships and the boroughs of Bally, Bechtelsville,
Boyertown, Kutztown and Topton.
Bucks County: Milford Township and
Trumbauersville Borough.
Chester County: South Coventry
Lehigh County: Lower Macungie and Upper
Milford Townships, and the boroughs of Alburtis, Emmaus and Macungie.
Montgomery County: Douglass, New
Hanover and Upper Hanover townships and the boroughs of East Greenville,
Pennsburg and Red Hill.
Spotted lanternfly egg mass |
If you find a spotted lanternfly in a
municipality where it is NOT known to exist:
You should
try to capture it and put it into a vial filled with alcohol to kill and
preserve it, or at least take a good picture of it. Report it to the
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) by emailing to:
badbug@pa.gov or
call the Invasive Species Hotline at 1-866-253-7189. Your discovery could add
additional municipalities to the quarantined area.
If you find spotted lanternfly in a
municipality where it IS known to exist:
You should
try to kill it. This insect is considered a threat to crops and many people are
working to try to prevent it from spreading. Soon the females will begin to lay
eggs. Each female will lay up to 100 eggs or more this fall, so by destroying
even one female, you are reducing the potential population for the future.
In the late
summer and fall, the spotted lanternfly prefers feeding on
Ailanthus altissima,commonly known as the "Tree of Heaven." They can be found feeding on
other plants and trees, but if you have Ailanthus altissima, you should start
searching for spotted lanternfly on those trees. The spotted lanternfly is not
known to bite humans. You can kill spotted lanternflies mechanically, by
swatting or crushing them. However, when you threaten them, they are able to
quickly jump far away from you, so mechanical control is not easy to achieve.
Are there any natural enemies of the
spotted lanternfly?
Birds don’t
seem to like to eat them, and researchers have not found predatory or parasitic
insects that are making a great impact on the population yet. Over time,
natural enemies often do find invasive insect species, but for now this does
not seem to happening on a level that is making a difference.
Can you kill spotted lanternfly using
Pennsylvania, pesticide regulations require that a product may only be used
according to the directions on the label. The label must list the site (or location)
where a pesticide (in this case an insecticide) may be used. There are
insecticides available with labels that list ornamental trees as an allowed
site. It is legal to use them on ornamental trees, including Ailanthus
altissima, to try to kill insects, including the spotted lanternfly. You can
check at your garden center to see what they offer. Some of these products may
be more effective than others, so you should take note if the product you tried
works well or not.
Things to consider before you purchase an
In some
infested properties there are thousands of spotted lanternflies and many of
them are very high up in trees. It will be difficult to reach the insects with
a small can of spray or even a backpack sprayer. In this case you might
consider hiring a professional tree care service to do the application.
Also, when
the canopy of a tree is sprayed, the insecticide can come into contact with
beneficial insects including pollinators and other creatures. People are
looking for more specific approaches to pest management to minimize off-target
exposure. This type of strategy is known as Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
The PDA has been using an IPM strategy for spotted lanternfly infestations, and
landowners may consider using the same IPM strategy on their properties, or
hiring a professional service to do it.
IPM strategy for the Spotted Lanternfly
Locate Ailianthus altissima trees on the site.
For reasons not understood, spotted lanternfly seem to prefer some individual
Ailanthus altissima trees over others. Try to identify the specific Ailanthus
trees that are most attractive to the insects, based on how many are feeding on
Destroy approximately 90% of the Ailanthus
altissima trees, leaving only a few that are most attractive to the insect.
They will serve as "trap" trees. It is recommended that you try to
kill all the female Ailanthus altissima trees, because they produce seed and
contribute to the spread of this invasive tree.
Be careful handling Ailanthus altissima wood,
leaves and branches. Chemicals in the sap of this tree can cause headaches,
nausea and possible heart problems. Wear gloves and protect yourself from
When you cut down Ailanthus altissima trees,
they will sprout profusely from the stumps and can grow back in a few years.
Because they regenerate so easily, it is recommended that you treat the stumps
with an herbicide to kill them and prevent them from sprouting new shoots.
Herbicides that are labelled for this use
usually contain one of the following active ingredients triclopyr, dicamba,
imazpyr or glyphoshate. Use the herbicide carefully and according to directions
on the label. Alternative methods for using herbicides to kill Alianthus
altissima trees include foliar sprays, basal bark applications and a method
called frill application or "hack and squirt".
The Penn State Extension publication—
Herbicides and Forest Vegetation Management, has more information about these methods.
Whichever method you choose, remember that you will have dead Ailanthus trees
which may eventually have to be removed.
Treat the remaining Ailanthus altissima trees
with a systemic insecticide that will move throughout the tree. The insecticide
must be applied according to the label and at the right time of year for the
trees to absorb it. When spotted lanternflies feed on correctly treated trees,
they will die. Systemic insecticides that are labelled to treat ornamental
trees usually contain the active ingredients dinotefuran or imidacloprid. The
PDA is using dinotefuran in their IPM strategy.
Treating only a few trap trees with a systemic
product can reduce the amount of insecticide released into the environment and
may help conserve beneficial insects.
Avoid spreading the spotted lanternfly
It is important for landowners in the affected
area to avoid spreading the spotted lanternfly. One good practice is to avoid
parking your vehicle under trees because spotted lanternflies that are living
in trees will lay eggs on the cars underneath.
Inspect items, including the wood from killed
Ailanthus trees, and destroy any living spotted lanternflies or egg masses
before you move them out of the area. If you must move items from inside the
affected area, complete this checklist to be in compliance with the quarantine.
More information about the biology of the
spotted lanternfly, most current distribution, volunteer opportunities,
quarantine regulations and compliance.
Contact Information:
Penn State Extension