Landowner Workshop: Conservation and Wildlife Habitat
John and Catherine Smith of Spring Mills, Pennsylvania, are proud to be hosting a landowner workshop entitled Conservation Programs and Wildlife Habitat Improvement Practices. The workshop will be held at ChicoryLane Farm, 246 Brush Mountain Road, Spring Mills, Pennsylvania from 9:30 AM-3:30 PM on Saturday, August 18, 2012.
Information will be provided as participants tour numerous habitats and conservation projects. Tour leaders include numerous natural resource management professionals from many different conservation agencies including: Penn State Extension, Centre County Conservation District, DCNR Bureau of Forestry, Pennsylvania Game Commission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Clearwater Conservancy. Financial sponsorship of the event is provided by the Wildlife Management Institute, Headwaters RC&D Council, and the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts.
The day will be spent outdoors learning from natural resource management professionals and discussing specific aspects of land management. The workshop will include information, discussion, and a tour of numerous conservation and habitat improvement projects including: developing cool and warm-season grasslands, establishing a pollinator field, controlling invasive plants, designing and building vernal pools, managing streamside and early successional habitats to encourage wildlife, and planting and maintaining a new hardwood forest. Come prepared to be outdoors rain or shine.
The event is appropriate for anyone interested in conservation and wildlife habitat improvement practices. It is designed especially for landowners interested in starting a conservation program or who have a "problem spot" on their land they wish to address.
There are two ways to register for this workshop. You may register online with any major credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express). Or call, toll-free: 877-489-1398, and your registration will be taken over the phone. The fee for attending the workshop is $15 per person (Includes lunch and educational materials). Pre-registration is required by Monday, August 13, 2012. Attendance is limited to 50 participants so please plan to register early.
One of the best landowner seminars we've attended. It's great to meet the different team members who help put our land back together. Thanks for coordinating this.
Thank you so much. I am glad you found it helpful.
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