I wanted to share the May webinar series from Penn State Extension's Renewable Natural Resources Team with you. Please share with others that may be interested. We look forward to having you join these discussions and learning experiences.
State Extension Green Infrastructure Webinar Series: Tips for Success in
Establishing and Maintaining Forested Stream Buffers, Tuesday, May
5, 2015, 12 p.m. ET. Presented by David Wise, Watershed Restoration Manager,
Stroud Water Research Center.
PA Forest Stewardship Webinar: Shale Gas Development and Landscape Changes, Tuesday, May 12, 2015, noon and 7 p.m. ET.
This webinar will present research examining landscape changes associated with shale gas development in Pennsylvania forests and in particular the effects of pipelines on bird abundance and distribution. To examine landscape scale changes, Lycoming County was used as a case study for a geographic information system (GIS) analysis to quantify habitat fragmentation resulting from shale gas development and determine differences based on land ownership (public vs. private). The webinar will also discuss research conducted on the response of bird communities to shale gas pipelines across the north-central region and strategies for reducing negative impacts through habitat restoration. Presented by Lillie Langlois, PhD Candidate, Penn State Department of Ecosystem Science and Management. Approved for 1.0 Society of American Foresters CFE credit, Category 1-CF.
PA Forest Stewardship Webinar: Shale Gas Development and Landscape Changes, Tuesday, May 12, 2015, noon and 7 p.m. ET.
This webinar will present research examining landscape changes associated with shale gas development in Pennsylvania forests and in particular the effects of pipelines on bird abundance and distribution. To examine landscape scale changes, Lycoming County was used as a case study for a geographic information system (GIS) analysis to quantify habitat fragmentation resulting from shale gas development and determine differences based on land ownership (public vs. private). The webinar will also discuss research conducted on the response of bird communities to shale gas pipelines across the north-central region and strategies for reducing negative impacts through habitat restoration. Presented by Lillie Langlois, PhD Candidate, Penn State Department of Ecosystem Science and Management. Approved for 1.0 Society of American Foresters CFE credit, Category 1-CF.
Woody/Warm-Season Biomass Consortium Webinar: An Overview of US Law and Policy
Affecting Second Generation Biofuels, Tuesday, May 12, 1 p.m. ET.
Law and policy changes over time helped create and shape incentives for biofuel
production. This webinar explores the evolution of law and policy over time,
especially how it is affecting second generation biofuel development. While the
focus is primarily on federal law and policy, the webinar will also touch on
state and regional developments as well. Don't miss it! Presented by Lara
Fowler, Penn State University.
Penn State Extension Green Infrastructure Webinar
Series: Green Roofs for Stormwater Management, Tuesday, May 19, 2015,
noon ET. Presented by Rod Berghage, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Horticulture,
Director of the Center for Green Roof Research, Penn State University.https://meeting.psu.edu/pacommunityforestry
Penn State Extension Green Infrastructure Webinar Series: Artful Rainwater Design, Tuesday, May 26, 2015, noon ET. Presented by Stuart Echols, Ph.D., Professor of Landscape Architecture, and Eliza Pennypacker, Ph.D., Department Head and Professor of Landscape Architecture, Penn State University.
Water Resources Webinar: Water Quality Trading, Wednesday, May 27, 12 – 1 p.m. ET. Presented by Jim Shortle, Penn State University.