The USDS Forest Service has begun a webinar series on climate change. See details below, including where and how to connect.
This webinar series will run from January - May and feature monthly presentations geared to help land managers, consulting foresters, and private forest landowners stay informed on the latest science and tech transfer tools related to forest-based adaptation and mitigation of climate change. Each webinar is an hour long, including Q & A, although there will be an optional additional 15 minute Q & A period. Each webinar counts as one hour of continuing education credit for certified foresters.
The webinar and dial-in info for the Climate Change Continuing Education Webinar Series is as follows:
Meeting Number: 747085393; Phone number: 1.866.581.6894; Passcode: 8623725
The first two scheduled meetings are as follows:
January 14, 2009 Wed 2pm EST: Interactions Between Carbon, Climate, and Forests Presenter: Chris Swanston (Research Ecologist, Northern Research Station, USFS) This presentation will set the stage for a broader discussion on climate change and forests by briefly examining interactions between climate change, carbon cycling, and forest sustainability. First, we?ll cover some key mechanisms and major trends in climate change, and then explore forecasts of future climate and associated uncertainty. Next, we?ll survey the global carbon cycle and the distribution of carbon in major forest ecosystems. We?ll then consider several general ecophysiological concepts and how projected changes in climate may interact with forest ecophysiology. Finally, we?ll discuss how all these considerations may combine to affect forest carbon storage and productivity in the Lake States and Northeast.
February 11, 2009 Wed 2pm EST: Forest Management During Climate Change Presenter: Maria Janowiak (Outreach Scientist, Northern Institute of Applied Carbon Science) Climate change is expected to have significant effects on the condition and function of forested ecosystems; however, the exact nature of the stressors, their intensity, and the ensuing impacts on forests are quite uncertain. Forest managers will need to cope with this uncertainty, balancing the paucity of detailed information on future conditions against the demands of active and sustainable resource planning and management. In this context, sustainable forest management must recognize the need for ecosystems to adapt to changing climatic conditions in order to achieve desired objectives including, among other things, maintenance of habitat, production of wood, and mitigation of increased levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases. This presentation synthesizes available information on forest management options in the northeastern United States to provide a background for working with an uncertain climate future.
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