Monday, December 8, 2014

Forest Landowners Tree Planting Guide Released

The list of forest management practices landowners are involved in is quite long. However, tree planting is something most have in common. It is an opportunity to leave a long term legacy on the ground. Planting trees is a simple yet rewarding task. But, how many have ever dreamed of establishing a forest where once there was pasture or a woodland where crops once grew? Imagine a healthy, diverse forest, a forest resistant to insects and diseases, a wooded area that will contribute to your property for generations to come.

Penn State Extension has just released a full-color tree planting guide for forest landowners that can help them transform their land. Entitled, “Forest Landowners Guide to Tree Planting Success,” this new guide, loaded with helpful images, focuses on the methods of selecting, establishing, and protecting tree seedlings to create wooded areas on rural properties. It begins with suggestions to help analyze the planting site and select appropriate tree species, then provides guidelines for preparing the site and the planting process, and offers advice on maintaining and supporting the seedlings as they mature. It also includes a helpful calendar outlining the steps for tree planting reforestation projects at specific times of the year and a useful reference section.

Trees provide many benefits; improved wildlife habitat, high quality wood products, stream water quality protection, elevated diversity, enhanced attractiveness, and increased estate value. Planting trees can accelerate the natural progression from field to forest or enrich a site with an uncommon species. Objectives for planting trees are numerous and varied and include everything from timber production to controlling erosion and improving water quality. Whatever your purpose for planting trees, following the guidelines outlined in this guide can help transform your land to meet your objectives. This guide will help you lay the groundwork for a rewarding and successful tree planting project by walking you through the steps to tree planting success from start to finish.

The guide was prepared by David Jackson, Penn State Forest Resources Educator, and Ruth Lunt, Pennsylvania Forest Steward and is available online.

Click here to order printed copies. 
Or contact the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Publications Distribution Center
Phone: 877-345-0691
Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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