Sunday, June 23, 2019

PA Land Trust Association Honors Troy Firth

PALTA Honors Troy Firth with Lifetime Conservation Leadership Award

On May 17, the Pennsylvania Land Trust Association (PALTA) honored Troy Firth with the 2019 Lifetime Conservation Leadership Award. Firth received the award at the annual Pennsylvania Land Conservation Conference, held this year at Skytop Lodge.

For over 45 years, Troy Firth has set himself apart as a responsible and thoughtful pioneer in sustainable forestry.

Since 1971, Firth has practiced sustainable forestry as the owner and manager of Firth Maple Products, producing and selling certified organic maple syrup while taking a different approach to sustainable timber harvesting. Firth led the movement towards uneven-aged forest management instead of intensive even-aged management, a method that cultivates greater forest habitat diversity and ecosystem integrity. In an era when mechanical tree removal is the status quo, Firth uses horses to skid logs on his 7,000 acres of forest, demonstrating that horses can meet the needs of industrial forestry without compromising the health of the forest floor.

To read the full story click here.

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